Alberta Podiatry Association
The Alberta Podiatry Association serves as the governing
body for podiatrists in Alberta.
Canadian Podiatric Medical Association
The CPMA is a national non-profit organization which represents and acts as a national voice for podiatrists across Canada.

American Podiatric Medicine Association
APMA advances and advocates for the profession of podiatric medicine and surgery for the benefit of its members and the public.
Canadian Diabetes Association
The Canadian Diabetes Association raises awareness, provides services and supports Canadians affected by diabetes.
Federation Internationale des Podologues
The International Federation of Podiatrists is an international organization of podiatry, podology, and chiropody associations.
Paris Orthotics
Paris Orthotics is Canada’s largest manufacturer
of prescription orthoses.
Prescription Foot Orthotic Laboratory Association -
an international supplier of orthotics.